Following is the steps to create your first iOS project. 

  • Open Xcode
  • File -> New -> Project -> Select Single View Application. See image below

Loading SingleViewApp....

  • Now enter the project name, Organization name and bundle identifier will be automatically generated for you. You can also choose the programming language Objective C vs Swift. Finally, you can check options "Use Core Data", Unit tests, UI tests if needed. See image below

Loading Image ProjectOptions...

  • Your first app is ready and you can see its UI in main.Storyboard
  • Now you can run the app using Product -> Run or using the Run button on Xcode which is shown below.

  • You will see a simple white screen on iOS simulator. 
  • Now click main.storyboard, you will "View" in ViewController Scene left panel as shown below.

  • Now click the attributes inspector on the Xcode right panel as shown below
  • Now click on background to choose a differnt color as shown below.

  • Click on Run again to see modified result.