Swift for loop statement
Simple for statement
A simple for statement consists of an initializer, condition and an increment/decrement. In the following example, we have an variable i initialized to 0 and we check for a condition i<2 and use an increment i++. This i++ could be i+1 or i-2 and so on. It depends on your need.
for(var i = 0; i<2; i++){ println(i) }
0 1
for in with dictionaries
We can access an key value of dictionaries with for in statement. A simple example is shown below.
var dict = ["1":"Eezy", "2":"Tutorials"] for (key,value) in dict { println("\(key) : \(value)") }
2 : Tutorials 1 : Eezy
for in with arrays
We can access an array of values with for in statement. A simple example is shown below.
var array = ["Eezy", "Tutorials"] for value in array { println(value) }
Eezy Tutorials
for in with ranges
Ranges provides more power to for. You can just specify the starting and finishing values of a range. A simple example is given below. The range includes the starting and ending number
for i in 0...3 { println(i) }
0 1 2 3