Posted on: May 14, 2021 Posted by: Admin Comments: 1

Welcome to eezytutorials eezykutties.  In this video, you will a lot of games. The PDF for this video is in the bottom of the page. Enjoy! 

Brain train games – A lot of fun games are added in this video… You have more than 10 rounds in this game. Train your Brain and Entertain your kids with tis video. Adults and youths love these games along with kids. This episode includes 11 game rounds:

1. Spot 10 differences or Find 10 Differences
2. Word Guess
3. Restricted Crossword
4. Word search
5. Puzzle: Find Me
6. Find path
7. Rapid Riddles
8. Bonus Word Search
9. Are You Alert?
10. Science IQ
11. Count Me 
Vegetables in English and Tamil 



Download file -> BrainTrainGame.pdf

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